Leadership Development
Personexus genuine leadership philosophy is centred around trust, born out of authenticity, integrity and connectivity with people. We develop and facilitate genuine leadership programs for companies. Either, elect a program we have run successfully for over 400+ leaders at all levels, or choose to have one designed specifically for you.
Help your people understand the primary attributes of great leaders, to develop strategies to enhance their self-awareness, and develop their core leadership skills.
Support your leaders by providing coaching to assist them. Having support and counsel on what to do 'in house' together with reflection time are key elements in getting the leadership equation right.
Building self-awareness drives personal development enabling a leader to improve resilience, motivation and adapt their leadership style. The Personexus leadership model provides the framework for individuals to tailor their development efforts through continual learning and importantly unlearn bad habits for greatest success.
Leadership development is like a flywheel! For it to continually evolve, it needs a nudge every so often. Leadership programs are not a one-off event, they are a series of events and 'nudges' which continue the momentum.
Critical elements of leadership development:
Foundation briefing sessions
Leader profiling
Feedback on Assessment results
Action plans to create momentum
Initial forums introducing foundational leadership tools and frameworks to your leaders
Ongoing insight sessions (coaching one-to-one)
Leaders' forums: to skill up and knowledge-develop your people
Unparalleled leadership support, new opportunities.
Begin with getting leaders thinking about their style and how it impacts on others. We generate buy-in from leaders to understand even small tweaks, incremental shifts, in aspects of their style will produce better outcomes.
Finally we help leaders find solutions that enable them to grow and master the right thinking, driving the right behaviour, at the right time.